Tianjin Jingwei Jingwei Zhengneng Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. social responsibility code of conduct

         Tianjin Jingwei Zhengneng Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of electric power equipment in China. We are committed to providing customers with competitive electric power equipment, technical solutions and services to create value for customers and meet and exceed customer expectations。To this end, the company supports the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), fulfills corporate social responsibility (CSR), and builds a sustainable industrial chain。

The company is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the country/region where it is located, adopting internationally recognized industry standards and industry best practices, and continuously improving its CSR management level。

The Corporate Social Responsibility Code of Conduct (the "Code") has been developed with reference to the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct (RBA Code), The company promises to establish a CSR management system,Conduct regular internal audits of the company in accordance with this Code,Rectify the non-conformance found within a time limit,And verify the effectiveness of the rectification。

This Code applies to all employees of Tianjin Jingwei Zhengneng Electrical Equipment Co., LTD., including temporary workers, foreign workers, apprentices, student workers, contract workers, direct employees and other types of staff。

This Code consists of five parts: Labor standards, Health and safety, environmental protection, business ethics, and management systems。

1. Labor standards

1.1 Choose your career freely

The company ensures that all employees are hired on a voluntary basis,The Company undertakes and strictly enforces not to employ any form of slavery (including modern slave Labour), forced Labour, bonded Labour, trafficked persons or prison Labour;Does not restrict personal freedom,No identity documents are withheld,No human trafficking,This includes not transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring or receiving such Labour or services by threat, coercion, coercion, abduction or deception。Employees shall not be required to pay deposits, recruitment fees or other fees to employers or agents。

1.2 Child and underage workers

1. The Company complies with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the minimum working age and prohibits the use of any form of child labor。

2. The Company shall effectively identify the age of all employees when recruiting, and minors under the age of 18 shall not engage in work that may endanger their health or safety。

3. The Company protects student workers and apprentices in accordance with applicable laws and regulations。

1.3 Working Hours

The Company complies with all applicable laws and regulations relating to working hours and rest, and all overtime must be voluntary。The standard working week (excluding overtime hours) shall not exceed 48 hours as determined by law, and the total working hours per week shall not exceed 60 hours。Employees shall have at least one day off after each six consecutive days of work。

1.4 Salary and Benefits

The compensation paid to employees by the Company shall comply with all applicable wage laws, including laws regarding minimum wage, overtime pay and statutory benefits。The company pays the employees themselves in full and on time and provides clear and understandable pay slips。

1.5 Humane Treatment

The Company does not use violence, including but not limited to verbal abuse, threats, corporal punishment, sexual harassment or physical coercion of employees, unlawful or opposite-sex searches, and does not threaten to commit such acts。

1.6 Non-discrimination

The Company does not discriminate against employees based on race, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, race or ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religious belief, political affiliation, community membership, protected genetic information, or marital status in employment, pay, promotion, awards, training opportunities, or termination;Employees or prospective employees are not required to undergo medical tests or physical examinations that may have discriminatory purposes。

1.7 Freedom of association

The Company respects the right of all employees to voluntarily form and join unions, to engage in collective bargaining and peaceful assembly, and to refuse to participate in such activities, in accordance with local law。The company establishes an effective labor-management communication mechanism and communicates with employees or employee representatives on a regular basis。Employees and/or their representatives shall be able to communicate openly and express their views and concerns with management regarding working conditions and management practices without fear of discrimination, retaliation, threats or harassment。

2. Health and safety

The company provides a safe and healthy working environment。Prevent any working conditions that seriously endanger life safety or health, prevent any major fire or explosion accidents, prevent fatal accidents at the work site, and prevent the occurrence or cause of diseases in the course of work, such as infectious disease outbreaks resulting in collective infection events。

2.1 Working Conditions

1. The Company obtains, maintains and updates all necessary health and safety clearances and complies with the relevant provisions of these clearances。

2. The company identifies and evaluates possible health and safety risks (including fire protection, industrial hygiene, strong physical work, machine protection, etc.),Through hazard elimination, substitution, engineering controls, preventive maintenance and safety workflows (including locking/listing),To eliminate or reduce risk,In necessity,Provide appropriate personal protective equipment。In addition, appropriate measures are taken to protect the safety and health of women workers, especially pregnant and lactating women。

3. The Company establishes necessary procedures and systems to prevent, manage, track and report injuries and illnesses, and implements corrective actions to eliminate the effects and help employees return to work。

4, the company provides appropriate health and safety training to employees in the local language, and posts health and safety related information in the workplace。

2.2 Living Conditions

The company provides employees with clean toilet facilities and drinking water, as well as clean and hygienic food, storage and dining facilities when necessary。When providing staff quarters, keep them clean, safe and reasonable living space。

2.3 Emergency Preparedness

The company identifies and assesses possible emergencies and emergencies,Including but not limited to fire, explosion, fatal accident, mass poisoning, etc,And through the implementation of emergency plans and response procedures,These include: emergency reporting, on-site first aid, notification and evacuation procedures, regular training and exercises, and recovery plans,Minimize the impact on people, the environment and property。

2.4 Absolute Rules

The company complies with the following safety rules to ensure that all employees are fully aware of and comply with them, and to monitor their enforcement:

1, high-altitude work

(1) Unless properly trained and qualified, never engage in any high-altitude work;

(2) Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment when working at altitude;

(3) Never walk or stand under lifting objects;

(4) Never throw tools or other items when working at height。

2, driving operation

(1) Always wear a seat belt when driving or riding in a vehicle;

(2) Never use a mobile phone while driving;

(3) Never exceed the speed limit;

(4) Never drive tired。

3Live work

Do not engage in live work unless properly trained and qualified。

4Alcohol or drugs

Never work under the influence of alcohol or drugs。

3. Environmental protection

3.1 Environmental permits and reporting

The Company obtains, maintains and updates all required environmental permits (discharge permits), approvals and registration certificates and complies with its operational and reporting requirements。

3.2 Product environmental requirements

The Company complies with all applicable laws and regulations regarding prohibited or restricted substances and customer requirements, such as RoHS, REACH, etc., and takes effective measures to prohibit or restrict the use of specific substances in products and/or in the manufacturing process。

3.3 Prevent environmental pollution

The Company complies with all applicable laws and regulations concerning pollutants (including waste water, waste gas, solid waste), including related manufacturing, transportation, storage, treatment and discharge requirements, reduces or eliminates the generation and discharge of pollution at the source, prohibits illegal discharge of toxic and harmful pollutants, and prevents noise pollution。

3.4 Energy conservation and Emission Reduction

The company adopts conservation and alternative measures to reduce the consumption of energy, water and natural resources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions。

4. Business ethics

4.1 Honesty and Integrity

The company is prohibited from corruption and dishonesty, so that "no bribery, no gifts, no association, no cheating, no cutting corners, no commercial fraud, keep promises", that is, "six different".。

4.2 Intellectual Property Rights

The Company respects intellectual property rights and protects intellectual property rights and customer information when transferring technology, experience, knowledge or information。

4.3 Fair trade, advertising and competition

The company upholds fair trading, advertising and competition standards。

4.4 Identity protection and no retaliation policy

Unless expressly prohibited by law, the Company has procedures in place to protect upstream suppliers and employee whistleblowers and to ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of their identities。The company has communication procedures in place that allow employees to raise concerns without fear of retaliation。

4.5 Responsible mineral procurement

The Company takes reasonable action to conduct due diligence on the origin and chain of custody of the tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold and cobalt metals contained in its products and to provide customers with the necessary due diligence information as required。

4.6 隐私

The Company is committed to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of the personal information of all business stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, consumers and employees。The Company shall comply with privacy and information security laws and regulations when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and sharing personal information。

5. Management requirement

5.1 Company commitment and management responsibility

The Company's senior management undertakes to publish a CSR policy statement in the local language and to comply with, at a minimum, laws and regulations, industry standards, customer requirements and the requirements of this Code, and to continuously improve。

The company designates a senior manager to be responsible for CSR management, establishes an internal assessment and accountability mechanism based on the principle that CSR must be managed in business management, integrates CSR into the daily operation of all functional departments, accepts on-site audits arranged by customers as required, and discloses relevant information。

5.2. Risk assessment and risk management

The Company identifies CSR risks and opportunities related to its operations and implements appropriate controls to minimize risks in accordance with laws and regulations, industry standards, customer requirements, the requirements of this Code and its own strategic needs。

5.3 Manage upstream suppliers

The Company has gradually implemented the CSR management system for procurement, and gradually incorporated the requirements of this standard into the management of upstream suppliers as procurement requirements, including signing written commitments, incorporating certification selection criteria and regular audits。

5.4 Internal audit and management review

Senior management of the company regularly reviews its own CSR performance to ensure the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of CSR。

The Company reserves the right to interpret this Code。

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